Thursday, May 28, 2009

Week 21. I Realize I'm Pregnant.

I have been pregnant for 21 and a half weeks and only now is it finally beginning to REALLY set in. Until this week, my pregnancy has seemed somewhat surreal. You'd think after all of the changes my body's been embracing, along with my tinier than ever bladder, and with the continuous expansion of my waist line, it wouldn't take much convincing! But, it has!!
I was certain that it would completely set in by May 7th @ 1:00 PM (if it hadn't already), as that was when I would get to see mini mcdonald with my own eyes at our second ultrasound. Kelly & I would also be finding out where we'd resume our argument over names, we decided to give it a rest until we found out the baby's sex! And while this amazing experience certainly helped solidify everything (like we'd be painting the walls PINK, PINK, PINK) it wasn't until recently, week 20 to be exact, that I really began to feel the reality of this little miracle! Hence, this blog! My dear friend Jeannie helped inspired me over the weekend! So, here it goes!? With only 18 weeks left until my due date, I have a little back tracking to do in order to get us all caught up!
So many things to discuss! Where shall I start??

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